New details on hero outfits for Battlefront, Chewie & Bossk abilities! (Updated)

Han and Luke will be getting new hero outfits in Battlefront.

Thanks to Redditor BornIntoAttitude, we now know that the latest issue of Star Wars Insider shipped with some new plans for the Death Star DLC.

Battlefront’s lead designer Dennis Brannvall gave an interview for the magazine on next month’s expansion pack. In the interview, he revealed information about hero outfits, as well as abilities for Chewbacca, Bossk and the new hero ships.

“Yes, we’re working on [new hero outfits],” he said in the interview. “The ones that we’re releasing with the Death Star update are Leia’s dress and famous hairstyle from A New Hope, and Luke and Han in stormtrooper armor. And yes, Luke will still have his lightsaber.”

As a side note, it will definitely be neat to have new hero skins available. However, I’m curious to see how Luke and Han hold up against other, erm, helmetless stormtroopers. It is also a bit of a change since Brannvall last talked about their Death Star outfits in May where he suggested that they might be “too confusing.”

The hero designer Guillaume Mroz revealed last week that Chewbacca’s bowcaster will function differently than the current Star Card. Brannvall went into more detail in his interview: “Chewie is all about the bowcaster. We already had a bowcaster Star Card available, but Chewie can do a lot more with the weapon. The more people he defeats, the more bolts he can shoot. He has a specific move that doubles the amount of bolts you can fire. If you build it up, he becomes pretty powerful.”

Chewie's roar.

Brannvall also teased a couple of the Wookie’s other abilities.

“He can also smash people at close range, and he has a Wookiee roar that makes people frightened and disoriented,” he said.

Bossk, who producer Paul Keslin recently talked about, was also mentioned, as were the Trandoshan’s regenerative health, infrared sight and dioxis grenade.

“For Bossk, we wanted to focus on his ability to regenerate, because Trandoshans can grow back their limbs,” Brannvall said. “Normally our heroes can’t regain lost health unless they find a specific Hero Health pickup, Bossk can restore his health by killing people. Because he’s a bounty hunter, he has a special infrared sight on his blaster; and he also has a move where he drops a dioxis grenade and does an acrobatic, reptilian jump to safety.”

Concept art for the Death Star DLC.

Further hints were given regarding Luke Skywalker’s pilotable X-Wing and Darth Vader’s TIE Advanced. Luke’s X-Wing will have repairability thanks to R2-D2 while Vader’s TIE Advanced will increase damage output of nearby TIE Fighters.

“Luke’s ship is pretty similar to a normal X-wing, except R2-D2 is on board—he gives Luke the ability to repair the starfighter whenever it takes damage,” Brannvall said. “He can’t take as many hits as the Millennium Falcon, but he makes up for it with repairability.”

“[Vader] has a lot of offensive abilities, and if you’re flying your own TIE fighter within the vicinity of the Dark Lord your damage capability increases,” he added.

Definitely some juicy details! Chewie’s bowcaster ability certainly sounds cool, so I’ll be interested to try that out. I’m also curious to see if Bossk’ dioxis grenade does anything to differentiate itself from Greedo’s dioxis, as well as the infantry’s common variety.

(h/t u/BornIntoAttitude)

Update 9:55 am PT 8/23: Elliot of BattlefrontUpdates confirmed through Brannvall in his latest video that Vader will not have the ability to increase damage output. The interview apparently took place awhile back before more things were finalized.

(Image sources: Han and Luke. Chewbacca. Death Star attack.)


Ever since he saw A New Hope at four-years-old, Jared (aka leftweet) has been in love with Star Wars. Besides his passion for Star Wars and video games, Jared's hobbies include watching football, soccer and basketball, plus competing in fencing. His current projects include Sports Obscurist, website dedicated to weird and obscure sports.

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