So how many Battlefront credits might the Death Star DLC cost you?

A stormtrooper reflects on life while in the midst of war on the Forest Moon of Endor.

Spoiler alert: it’s a lot.

Inspired by this Reddit post (which is definitely worth reading if you’re wanting to stock up on credits) and a question in the comments, I decided to calculate the total number of Battlefront credits the Death Star is likely to cost. With the credit farming in full swing, I figured I’d share my findings.

Assuming the Death Star follows a pattern similar to the previous two DLCs, you’ll likely be looking to spend at least 19,200 credits to purchase all initial Hutt Contracts right away (excluding upgraded cards). You’ll need 42,200 credits for all Hutt Contracts (including upgraded cards) and potentially an upwards of 100,000 for all Hutt Contracts and skins.

Note that if DICE does something different this expansion, such as changing values for items or altering the number of Hutt Contracts, the totals could change. It’s also worth noting that a change to the customization system is coming, so that might somehow affect the numbers regarding skins.

Here’s how I came up with those numbers (based on previous DLCs):

  • Two blasters at 3,500 credits each = 7,000 credits
  • One base Charge Card = 1,700
  • One upgraded Charge Card = 7,000
  • Two base Star Cards at 3,500 each = 7,000
  • Two upgraded Star Cards at 8,000 each = 16,000
  • One free Hutt Contract (presumably the bo-rifle) = 3,500

So the total of all nine Hutt Contracts works out to 42,200 credits. The six initial contracts (including the free contract) would be 19,200 credits.

Jabba in Battlefront.

There may also be another free Hutt Contract we haven’t heard about. Both Outer Rim and Bespin had two free contracts. The DL-18 and the DLT-19x dropped alongside Outer Rim while Bespin had a couple of Ion Neutralizer contracts. If this is the case for the Death Star, you can probably tack on another 3,500 credits.

Tossing in skins makes the total skyrocket. Outer Rim’s Weequay skin cost 17,000 credits while Bespin’s skins were both 20,000. If the cost increases 3,000 credits again, each skin will cost 23,000.

If one skin is included, I estimate that the total cost would come out to 65,200 credits. With two skins, it’s 88,200. Three skins would equate to 111,200 credits.

Note that skins will likely unlock as you level up, so you won’t need the money right when the Death Star launches. However, you’ll probably need at least 19,200 credits handy if you want to start all the initial Hutt Contracts immediately.

I hope this was helpful! I know I was curious, so I had fun figuring it all out. Again, this is all an estimate because we don’t know exactly what’ll be up for sale once the Death Star goes live and a number of “ifs” went into my calculations. Still, this should at least provide a ballpark figure to aid you on your credit-farming quest.

(Stormtrooper in-game. Jabba source.)


Ever since he saw A New Hope at four-years-old, Jared (aka leftweet) has been in love with Star Wars. Besides his passion for Star Wars and video games, Jared's hobbies include watching football, soccer and basketball, plus competing in fencing. His current projects include Sports Obscurist, website dedicated to weird and obscure sports.

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